The safety lock is mainly used for drawer, refrigerator, mobile door, etc., in order to prevent the baby from opening, accidentally pinching fingers and causing unnecessary injury. It can giva baby a warm and safe home.
This cabinet locks with outstanding advantage of easier installation, no need scale to measure the exact position, and the manual switch button also works more simply and effective. Easy for adult, but hard for kids.
Quick and smart designs with L shape design, suitable for applying on furniture corner. Just peel off the protective stickers then stick on the surface you want, only few seconds finish the installations. Double lock design that child can not easily open the cabinet or drawer door.
It is used to firmly sticking on the object and prevent open completely! Avoid little kids to touch dangerous items in the drawer or cipboard and protect them from pinching fingers.
Specializing in prevente baby to open the doors, crushed fingers, damaged items or items in the cabinet fell hurt the baby, which can provide a safe and warm home for kids.